Generation 16

The series that showcases the history of Sega's Mega Drive

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Episode 016 - Almost Done! (not really)

Considering the status update I'm about to give and how long it's been since I started editing Episode 016...well, I'm sorry. 

I've just wrapped up editing on the first segment of Episode 016. The NHL playoffs kinda got in the way. Sorry about that. 

Anyway, yay! First segment is done (clocking in at about 12 minutes). Now to start on part 2. In this segment, Generation 16 sleeps with the enemy! 

Be sure to check out my Twitch channel each weeknight for streams of what I'm playing. Check in each Wednesday for live streams of classic Genesis games!

And don't forget you can support the show over at Patreon. Pledge $5 or more per episode and get each new show one week before the rest of the world!