The latest progress report on Generation 16! Another segment was completed this week, leaving two to go. Most of the footage has been captured for one of those segments, though it's going to be a pretty large section of the show.
The new computer still has not been built thanks to a shipping problem with the case and graphics card. Hoping those show up this week.
Unrelated but worth mentioning: If you haven't checked out That Dragon, Cancer yet, consider doing so. It's an incredibly powerful experience. You can find it over at
And as always, please consider supporting my show at
More progress made on Episode 17! I've got a rough cut of the third game segment complete, with audio and video placed more or less where it will end up in the final cut. I do have a bit of a hole to fill with some footage of older PC games, but that shouldn't take too long to capture and add in to the time line.
I haven't managed to capture any more footage of the next game on the list yet. That's likely another hour or so of gameplay at least.
In other news: I'm building a new computer! About half of the components have arrived. I'm hoping by this time next week I'll be in full-on build mode. Once that's done I expect editing and posting will become way more streamlined. Fewer crashes and shorter processing can only be a good thing!
Remember to support the show! Head over to if you want to help me out!