Generation 16

The series that showcases the history of Sega's Mega Drive

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Episode 015 and beyond!

I published Episode 015 last week and somehow managed to forget about updating this webpage. You can find the YouTube version here and the version over here

I'm really proud of the way this episode turned out. I got to try a few more editing techniques I haven't used in the past, and for the most part I think they were successful. Please do leave comments regarding the show either on the YT page or right here. Any suggestions you have to make the show better will be taken into consideration. 

Work has already begun on Episode 016. I've reached out to a few people who were involved in the development of the games being features, and I'm hoping to hear back from them soon. The first bit of footage has already been captured. Hopefully I can start on the script soon. 

In the coming month or so I'll be announcing a new show on my channel. Please be sure to check it out! 

Episode 015 - Update #2

Hey fans! 

All footage and writing has been completed for Episode 015. I broke ground on the actual edit today and managed to get two segments roughed in. That's two out of a scheduled nine segments for this episode! 

Those of you who follow me on twitter likely know already that I was laid off last week. So while I am putting a lot of time into my job search at the moment, I still have more free time through the week than I did previously, so this episode should come together relatively quickly. 

That's the up side. The down side is that I'm not currently gainfully employed. And so your support is more important than ever. If you haven't yet, I would really appreciate anything you could give to my Patreon campaign. Give a dollar or more and your name goes into the credits of each episode. Give $5 or more and you get early access to each episode. Just think, you'll know what was going on in video games 25 year ago a whole week before all of the non-backers!

Remember to tune into my Twitch channel each Wednesday night for Generation 16 Live, where I play each of the games that have been covered in the main series thus far. This week will feature Altered Beast. 

Expect more frequent updates on the current episode as I wrap up each new segment.