Generation 16

The series that showcases the history of Sega's Mega Drive

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Filtering by Category: Extra Life

Episode #017 Segment 1 complete!

The first segment of Episode #017 has been completed. On to game #2!  

Remember to tune in to every night to check out what I'm playing! On Wednesday night you can see me play Genesis games on Generation 16 Live! On Thursdays see how the other half lived with Super FamiQuest! 

And as usual, don't forget to give what you can to Extra-Life! My goal this year is $3500.00. Only about $3k to go!

Episode 014 Update #4

The first draft of the Episode 014 script is officially 50% done. I still have three segments to write and probably one more game's worth of footage to capture before I can do a final edit and start recording my voice over. 

Don't forget to contribute to the Patreon campaign if you like what I do. And please give to my Extra Life campaign in support of the IWK Children's Hospital in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I'm currently sitting at just under half of my goal with just over a month left to go!

By the way, I've been streaming some classic Sega console games over at every Wednesday night. Last night was Capcom's Cannon Spike for the Dreamast. You can find the footage on my YouTube channel. (Please subscribe!). 

Next week I'll be firing up Kenji Eno's D on the Saturn. Stop by!