Generation 16

The series that showcases the history of Sega's Mega Drive

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Episode 013 Update #5

The final segment of Episode 013 is underway! Tonight I've finished the rough cut of the segment, so there's a real possibility I'll be able to start encoding the episode late tomorrow night. That means a release (hopefully) on Friday evening. Mark your calendars! 

I also want to advertise that I've begun an (almost) nightly gaming stream over at Hitbox. Most nights I'm simply streaming whatever I happen to be playing at the time. But every Wednesday night I'm planning on doing a Sega Retro stream. Please come check it out!

And remember: the Extra Life donor drive is live! I'm currently sitting at just over $300.00 of my $2,000.00 goal this year. Please give what you can. It's a great cause!

Don't forget to like Generation 16 on Facebook. And please, if you like what you see, consider supporting the show over at Patreon

Talk soon!